My Star Wars CLI Project

Benjamin Jonah Mallard
1 min readJun 5, 2020


This was a fun first project with the school. It helped me to get more familiar with Ruby as well as using REST client to obtain data from an external API. Star Wars is also one of my favorite movie franchises of all time. So, even though there are thousands of APIs out there, I felt like this one would be the best because I enjoy learning more about that universe.

I also used JSON to parse out the data. Once I had the core functionality and got everything I needed from the API printing out on the terminal I just choose which data I wanted to access. I chose to access each film’s data, and render the opening credits from each one. My application allows user input to choose one of the first six movies in the saga as well as the option to return to the main menu and select another movie or to exit the app.

